I'm home on a Saturday night and what better thing is there to do than update my blog :)??
A couple weeks ago I purchased something pretty cool...A NEW CAR!! Or, I guess, a new-ER car. It's a 2005 Dodge Stratus R/T. My old Grand Prix had over 160,000 miles on it and I found somebody that wanted it for a work car so I figured I might as well get rid of it. I immediately started car hunting and found this car at Toyota of Des Moines. The day I went up to get it they had that thing shining like you wouldn't believe!! When the salesman took me to the showroom to see it for the first time, I gasped. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! So after like 400 minutes of signing my name over and over and over, it was finally mine. And after two weeks of ownership, I am still in love with it and I think I'm going to enjoy it very much for the next few years.
House update...ALL of my estimates are currently sitting in a pile right next to me on this messy desk :). My abstract is done and is at the lawyer's office for him to look it over. When I get my abstract, I will be able to go to the bank. This is really going to happen!! I've waited so long and dreamed so much about this house. I'm really starting to believe the saying, "Good things come to those who wait."
I'm going to attach some pictures for you all to look at. One of them is a screen door I'm going to have re-done and left on the house. The second one is of my "naked ladies" that are growing near my porch. I'm really hoping that these stay undisturbed during renovation. They are really pretty flowers! And then the last one is of my car. Thanks again for reading and enjoy the rest of the weekend!