Just thought I'd give everybody the update on the siding. The guys are about half way done. They have about 10-13 feet up the side of the house done. They are going to bring in another lift tomorrow so they can work up high. I was told that it was going to be sided by Wednesday. So keep your fingers crossed. Work has also started on installing my furnance, getting my LP line ran, and running my water line. So I guess you could say that I am finally making progress.
I took a roadtrip to Payson, Illinois on Friday to get the church pew that I had bought off Ebay. It is exactly what I wanted and looks just as cute in real life as it does in the photo. I bought it from an auction house called The Grainery. They have a HUGE shed that is full of antiques. My jaw dropped when I walked in. I could have done some serious damage if my checking account was bottomless! It is a very cool place and I highly recommend it for people who enjoy buying/looking at antiques.
Here are a couple pictures of my front porch, which is done, and the north side of the house which is half way sided.
Enjoy the pictures and everybody have a good Thanksgiving! I hope you all spend it with people you love.