Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extreme Porch Makeover

Well my back porch is starting to take shape. Kevin came today and knocked out that ugly wall between it and the outside. He also took the floor up. He did that because we are going to have to think of something to do so that the water doesn't blow in under the boards and into my basement. I'm sure him and Jeff Wells from Lockridge have something figured. I have complete confidence in those two guys. So for an idea what doors lead where...the door in the middle goes to the kitchen and the door to the left will go to my mudroom. I plan on getting a railing installed as well...and steps of course. That would be a pretty big step.
Dad and I also went and got my Grandparent's grain truck they aren't using this year and got it backed up to a window upstairs. Earlier this week I cleaned up the plaster and lathe that I knocked off the wall upstairs.
So until I update again, everybody take care and hopefully my next update will be about siding...HOPEFULLY. Enjoy the pictures...