December 7th, 1941 is a date that we should all remember. The attack on Pearl Harbor changed our lives (even if we weren't born yet) and America forever in so many ways. Today is one day that we should especially be thankful for our troops that are fighting for our freedom all over the world. Without them we might not have been able to enjoy the simple things in life. And I might not have had the freedom to be doing what I've dreamed of doing and fixing up this house.
Nothing has changed on the house other than me putting up Christmas decorations, taking out the old toilet, and knocking out some of the wall between the dining room and my stairs. Something that has happened within the last week that is news worthy is that Kevin, the contractor I had lined up for inside work, has discovered that he has to have hip replacement surgery. I was kind of put in a bind and didn't know what to do since I told him he could have the job. I didn't want him to get started on something he couldn't handle with his bad hip or have him get started on the house and then have to quit to have the surgery done. I had talked to several people over the past few days and I also talked to Kevin about my concerns and it was decided that I should get a new contractor for my inside work. LUCKILY Travis and his crew, the guys that did my siding, have bugged me about wanting to do the inside work and told me they could get to me very quickly. So I call them on Monday and told them that the job was theirs. I thought they did a great job on the outside they are easy to talk to and that's something that I think is very important when you are doing something big like this. And after talking to Travis he told me that they could start in about 2 weeks. So to make things simple I'm telling people work should start around the 1st of the year. Pretty cool, huh??
I hope you enjoy my Christmas decorations. I know I'm not Martha Stewart (THANK GOD) but it's a start. Do you guys realize how much potential this porch has to looking awesome after I get it all decorated??? It COULD look picture perfect if the decorator knows her stuff. Thanks again for reading and if you haven't got your Christmas shopping done, you better hurry. There are only 18 days until Christmas. Don't worry...I haven't done ANY shopping yet. I'm still waiting for the sales ;). I'm also posting a picture of my new help. Although he can't do much now, he's still in training and I always make him wear a mask.