Sunday, April 24, 2011

1st Week of May...

Well GREAT news...Levi Yoder, my Amish cabinet maker, came up and measured my kitchen and bathroom on Thursday for my cabinets. After measuring and sort of laying things out, I assure you that it's going to be one of the most beautiful kitchens you all will ever see. Yeah...I'm alittle bit biased but I want my kitchen to kind of be the highlight of the house. We got to talking about the schedule that Levi has planned for the building process and he told me that they would start building the middle of this week and that they would be installed during the 1st week of May. HOLY COW!!!! That's not this week BUT NEXT!!! How exciting!! So that's all that I'll be thinking about between now and when they are actually hanging on my walls!
Another awesome thing is that Bob, one of Travis's workers, got my railing done. It look FANTASTIC!! I absolutely adore people with these kinds of woodworking skills. It takes a crazy amount of talent and patience to do this! So enjoy the pictures and it won't stay this color, I'm going to stain it to match the other woodwork in the house.
And until next time, I'll be painting, scrubbing and cleaning like a mad woman!!

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