We meet again! I'm glad too!! Well alot of things have happened since the last update. I'll start with the non-house stuff.
The Wayne County Fair was once again a success. My cousins, Emily and Matt, took 6 lambs to the fair and we had 4 class winners and 2 class reserves. Pretty good showing, don't you think? Emily also had Reserve Champion Market Lamb with her lead wether, Zeus. Congrats to Emily!!
On to State Fair...last Thursday was the FFA Market Lamb show and the family I work for took some lambs up there and telling you that they did good is kind of an understatement. Alecia Moser ended up with Reserve Champion FFA Market Lamb as well as a couple reserve divisons. It was a very exciting day for all of us. So congrats to Alecia and the whole Moser crew as well!!
House update...I have all but one of my estimates gathered. The only one I'm waiting for is my septic system installation estimate. I had Horton Floor Covering come out and measure my kitchen, bathroom/laundry, and bedroom last week for tile and carpet. I do have a few samples picked out that I think will look really good. I also had Jeff Wells from Lockridge figure out a couple more costs for the bigger items, like shutters to name one. I think that blue shutters will make the house look more inviting. Kevin, my carpenter, also gave me a labor estimate. So as of right now, I think I'm pretty set on everything. And just in case you don't know notice, we took care of the weeds, little trees, and that big ugly bush in front of the house. I/we am/are cleaning up for the fall party that is going to be happening on September 18th. Plus those things needed to be taken care of anyway. I will post more information about it in a future post. Everybody is invited!! Good food, good people, and good music will all be avaliable.
Another thing I'm thinking about doing in the future is decorating the little shed to the south of the house. When Marjorie, who owns Horton Floor Covering with her brother and is a very good friend of mine to say the least, was out measuring my floors she brought the idea up. I will admit that I did turn my nose up at it at first just because I only looked at it as an old, rickity shed. But the more I think about it, the more ideas I have for it. Sorry Marjorie :(. You were right...like always ;). It could be a cute little decorative piece to my little piece of God's green earth that I own :).
Well I better get going, Corydon is celebrating their Old Settlers this weekend and there are some people in town that I haven't seen in awhile and I would like to go chat and visit with them.
Enjoy the pictures of the sheep and the house. Thanks again for reading. Again, I really appreciate your support. This is your house as much as it is mine. Until we meet again.....